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Downloading a blob (type: image) from a mssql db in zend framework

How do I do it? I've tried to use file_put_contents(), but it created a corrupted file.

I'm now trying to set up a view with the correct headers to get this working.

    header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
    header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64');
    echo $this->dokument->Dokument;

this is the content of my controller:

public function imageAction()
    $id = $this->_getParam('id'); 

    $dokumentTabell = new Ordre_Model_Table_OrdreDokument();
    $dokument = $dokumentTabell->find($id)->current();
    $this->view->dokument = $dokument;

    // disable layout and view

After editing it according to the first answer here, it gives this error message: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function setHttpResponseCode() on a non-object in ...\\application\\modules\\ordre\\controllers\\OrdreController.php on line 45

line 45 is this:


The rest of the code:

public function imageAction()
$id = $this->_getParam('id'); 

$dokumentTabell = new Ordre_Model_Table_OrdreDokument();
$dokument = $dokumentTabell->find($id)->current();
$this->view->dokument = $dokument;
$filename = $dokument->Name.".".$dokument->FileExtension;
// disable layout and view

     ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
     ->setHeader('Content-Length', strlen($dokument->Dokument))
     ->setHeader('Last-Modified', $dokument->SistEndret)

If I remove line 44: ->clearBody(), the code "works". I get a file with the right name and approximately the right size.

In my opinion, views should never output headers.. To me, it feels much more like a controller thing to do. Also, in the controller you have access to the response object, which has methods for setting headers.

Also, is $dokument->Dokument base64-encoded? Otherwise, just skip that header.

I'd probably do something like:

public function imageAction()
    $id = $this->_getParam('id'); 

    $dokumentTabell = new Ordre_Model_Table_OrdreDokument();
    $dokument = $dokumentTabell->find($id)->current();
    $this->view->dokument = $dokument;

    // disable layout and view

         ->setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
         ->setHeader('Content-Length', strlen($dokument->Dokument))
         ->setHeader('Last-Modified', $dokument->lastModified)

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