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Asynchronous barrier in F#

I wrote a program in F# that asynchronously lists all directories on disk. An async task lists all files in a given directory and creates separate async tasks (daemons: I start them using Async.Start) to list subdirectories. They all communicate the results to the central MailboxProcessor.

My problem is, how do I detect that all the daemon tasks have finished and there will be no more files arriving. Essentially I need a barrier for all tasks that are (direct and indirect) children of my top task. I couldn't find anything like that in the F#'s async model.

What I did instead is to create a separate MailboxProcessor where I register each task's start and termination. When the active count goes to zero, I'm done. But I'm not happy with that solution. Any other suggestions?

Have you tried using Async.Parallel ? That is, rather than Async.Start each subdirectory, just combine the subdirectory tasks into a single async via Async.Parallel . Then you end up with a (nested) fork-join task that you can RunSynchronously and await the final result.


Here is some approximate code, that shows the gist, if not the full detail:

open System.IO

let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
    async {
        while true do
            let! msg = mbox.Receive()
            printfn "%s" msg

let rec traverse dir =
    async {
        let subDirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir)
        return! [for d in subDirs do yield traverse d] 
                 |> Async.Parallel |> Async.Ignore 

traverse "d:\\" |> Async.RunSynchronously
// now all will be traversed, 
// though Post-ed messages to agent may still be in flight


Here is the waiting version that uses replies:

open System.IO

let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
    async {
        while true do
            let! dir, (replyChannel:AsyncReplyChannel<unit>) = mbox.Receive()
            printfn "%s" dir

let rec traverse dir =
    async {
        let r = agent.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel -> dir, replyChannel)
        let subDirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir)
        do! [for d in subDirs do yield traverse d] 
                 |> Async.Parallel |> Async.Ignore 
        do! r // wait for Post to finish

traverse "c:\\Projects\\" |> Async.RunSynchronously
// now all will be traversed to completion 

You could just use Interlocked to increment and decrement as you begin/end tasks, and be all done when it goes to zero. I've used this strategy in similar code with MailboxProcessors.


This is probably a learning exercise, but it seems that you would be happy with a lazy list of all of the files. Stealing from Brian's answer above... (and I think something like this is in all of the F# books, which I don't have with me at home)

open System.IO

let rec traverse dir =
seq {
    let subDirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(dir)
    yield dir 
    for d in subDirs do
        yield! traverse d


For what it is worth, I have found the Async workflow in F# very useful for "embarrassingly easy" parallel problems, though I haven't tried much general multitasking.

Just for clarification: I thought there might have been a better solution similar to what one can do in Chapel. There you have a "sync" statement, a barrier that waits for all the tasks spawned within a statement to finish. Here's an example from the Chapel manual:

def concurrentUpdate(tree: Tree) {
    if requiresUpdate(tree) then
        begin update(tree);
    if !tree.isLeaf {
sync concurrentUpdate(tree);

The "begin" statement creates a task that is run in parallel, somewhat similar to F# "async" block with Async.Start.

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