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How do you sort a KeyedCollection<TKey, TItem>?

Basically I've got a KeyedCollection<string, CustomNode> , and I want to be able to sort the collection by the key (or preferably with a custom comparer).

If this isn't possible, can someone recommend another class where the key is embedded in the value that I can sort?

Came this question while trying to solve a similar problem. If it is still relevant, I was able to implement Sort using the example here:


Basically involves sorting the underlying List of the collection. Worked like a charm for me.


KeyCollection<T> inherits from Collection<T> which implements IEnumerable so you should be able to use IEnumerable.OrderBy() . IEnumerable.OrderBy() also has an overload that allows you to supply a custom comparer .

Upon further information (see comments on answer above), a requirement is to keep the "set" sorted by a element's property after the property is edited.

In this case, you might take a look at BindableLinq (there are other similar frameworks too) and use the OrderBy statement implemented in there.

KeyedCollection<string, CustomNode> collection = /* from whereever */
collection.Items.AsBindable().OrderBy(c => c.PropertyOnCustomNode);

As long as your edited property raises a PropertyChanged event then it'll apply the re-ordering immediately. If you wish to change your collection, then ensure that the source collection implements INotifyCollectionChanged.

This is based on the link provided in the answer by Dan: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/netfxbcl/thread/56adc0f9-aa1b-4acf-8546-082bb01058f2/

   public class RequestTemplate : IComparable<RequestTemplate>
      // This is the primary key for the object
      private Guid _guidNumber;

      // This is what a collection of these objects should be sorted by
      private string _buttonCaption = "";

      public Guid GuidNumber
         get { return _guidNumber; }
         set { _guidNumber = value; }  // Setter only provided for deserialization usage

      public string ButtonCaption
         get { return _buttonCaption; }
         set { _buttonCaption = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Method needed to allow sorting a collection of these objects.
      /// </summary>
      public int CompareTo(RequestTemplate other)
         return string.Compare(this.ButtonCaption, other.ButtonCaption, 

   public class RequestTemplateKeyedCollection : KeyedCollection<Guid, RequestTemplate>
      /// <summary>
      /// Sort the collection by sorting the underlying collection, accessed by casting the Items 
      /// property from IList to List.
      /// </summary>
      public void Sort()
         List<RequestTemplate> castList = base.Items as List<RequestTemplate>;
         if (castList != null)
            castList.Sort();  // Uses default Sort() for collection items (RequestTemplate)

      /// <summary>
      /// Method needed by KeyedCollection.
      /// </summary>
      protected override Guid GetKeyForItem(RequestTemplate requestTemplate)
         return requestTemplate.GuidNumber;

Haven't tested it extensively yet, but it seems to work OK.

Why not just use a SortedList<TKey, TValue> Class?

MSDN link

您可以查看SortedDictionary集合......但是,与带有O(1)检索的KeyedCollection相比,这将带来项目检索O(log N)的额外费用。

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