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How do I stop my apache2 server from serving missile_launch_codes.ini?

I know one solution is to put the .ini file outside the webroot, but I want to have a config file as part of the source tree of my webapp.

Since I want to put database passwords in it, I need to make sure its not accessible from typing www.drstrangelove.com/missile_codes.ini

I want to beleive there is an apache config setting for this but I don't know what it is or what to type in google to find out.

You can use .htaccess for that:

<Files "*.ini">
order deny,allow
deny from all

Or (if you want just the single .ini file): replace the * with the filename.


If you can't use the .htaccess file you can always cheat: rename your ini file in something like config.ini.php;

Put this at the very first line:

#<?php exit; ?>

In this way, if you try to call the ini file via webserver, the PHP code will be executed, otherwise the function parse_ini_file will skip the first line since it is commented ("#")

Hope this help

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