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SQL Server, using a table as a queue

I'm using an SQL Server 2008 R2 as a queuing mechanism. I add items to the table, and an external service reads and processes these items. This works great, but is missing one thing - I need mechanism whereby I can attempt to select a single row from the table and, if there isn't one, block until there is (preferably for a specific period of time).

Can anyone advise on how I might achieve this?

The only way to achieve a non-pooling blocking dequeue is WAITFOR (RECEIVE) . Which implies Service Broker queues, with all the added overhead.

If you're using ordinary tables as queues you will not be able to achieve non-polling blocking. You must poll the queue by asking for a dequeue operation, and if it returns nothing, sleep and try again later.

I'm afraid I'm going to disagree with Andomar here: while his answer works as a generic question 'are there any rows in the table?' when it comes to queueing, due to the busy nature of overlapping enqueue/dequeue, checking for rows like this is a (almost) guaranteed deadlock under load. When it comes to using tables as queue, one must always stick to the basic enqueue/dequeue operations and don't try fancy stuff.

"since SQL Server 2005 introduced the OUTPUT clause, using tables as queues is no longer a hard problem". A great post on how to do this.


I need mechanism whereby I can attempt to select a single row from the table and, if there isn't one, block until there is (preferably for a specific period of time).

You can loop and check for new rows every second:

while not exists (select * from QueueTable)
    wait for delay '00:01'

Disclaimer: this is not code I would use for a production system, but it does what you ask.

The previous commenter that suggested using Service Broker likely had the best answer. Service Broker allows you to essentially block while waiting for more input.

If Service Broker is overkill, you should consider a different approach to your problem. Can you provide more details of what you're trying to do?

Let me share my experiences with you in this area, you may find it helpful.

My team first used MSMQ transactional queues that would feed our asynchronous services (be they IIS hosted or WAS). The biggest problem we encountered was MS DTC issues under heavy load, like 100+ messages/second load; all it took was one slow database operation somewhere to start causing timeout exceptions and MS DTC would bring the house down so to speak (transactions would actually become lost if things got bad enough), and although we're not 100% certain of the root cause to this day, we do suspect MS DTC in a clustered environment has some serious issues.

Because of this, we started looking into different solutions. Service Bus for Windows Server (the on-premise version of Azure Service Bus) looked promising, but it was non-transactional so didn't suit our requirements.

We finally decided on the roll-your-own approach, an approach suggested to us by the guys who built the Azure Service Bus, because of our transactional requirements. Essentially, we followed the Azure Worker Role model for a worker role that would be fed via some queue; a polling-blocking model.

Honestly, this has been far better for us than anything else we've used. The pseudocode for such a service is:

hasMsg = true



    msg = GetNextMessage

    if(msg == null)
        hasMsg = false
        hasMsg = true


We've found that CPU usage is significantly lower this way (lower than traditional WCF services).

The tricky part of course is handling transactions. If you'd like to have multiple instances of your service read from the queue, you'll need to employ read-past/updlock in your sql, and also have your .net service enlist in the transactions in a way that will roll-back should the service fail. in this case, you'll want to go with retry/poison queues as tables in addition to your regular queues.

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