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Regular expression to match <a href="mailto:

I am trying to match all

<a href="mailto:abc@abc.com">bla bla bla</a>

and I have another filter that will append

<a rel="email" href="mailto:abc@abc.com">bla bla bla</a>

So I am looking for the regular expression that will find that with the replace function.

Please use an html parser instead. You haven't specified a language, but here's a demonstration using BeautifulSoup in Python:

>>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup('<a href="mailto:abc@abc.com">bla bla bla</a>')
>>> for a in soup.findAll('a'):
...     a['rel'] = 'email'
>>> soup.prettify()
'<a href="mailto:abc@abc.com" rel="email">\n bla bla bla\n</a>'

你可以看看这里: http//reflexxion.de/2010/11/e-mail-adresse-gueltig/


Look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972966.aspx#regexnet_topic13 .. so just do

input = Regex.Replace(input, "<a href=\"mailto:(?<mailaddress>[^\"]*)\">(?<linktext>[^<]*)</a>", "<a rel=\"email\" href=\"mailto:${mailaddress}\">${linktext}</a>"); 

or something along these lines ...

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