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Bash script help, include sub-directories for processing files

I am definitely new to scripting. I have a script that processes some files and I can't figure out how to run this against all files in a directory that has many sub-directories and thousands of files. Basically I want to take this script and run it against a directory titled 2011 and have it process every file in every sub-folder.

for f in $FILES
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "Processing File $f ...."
    echo ""
    echo ""
    make FILE_TYPE=user CSS_PATH=./log.css SCRIPT_PATH=./toggle.js SAXON_JAR=/opt/saxon/saxon9he.jar $f.html
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "File $f.html Generated"

The following script will recurse into every directory under ./userfiles and work on all files there, even ones with spaces in their names (or other nefarious characters).

Also, the way you have the script written, make will be passed as its last argument the filename as it appears on your disk appended with .html . For example, the file ./userfiles/subdir/foobar.txt will be passed to make as ./userfiles/subdir/foobar.txt.html . If this is not what you want, then adjust ${file}.html accordingly.

Additionally, if you want find to only work on files ending in, for example, .html , then you can append the option -name "*.html" to the find command anywhere after the pathname.



while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do
    echo "Processing File $file ...."
    make FILE_TYPE=user CSS_PATH=./log.css SCRIPT_PATH=./toggle.js SAXON_JAR=/opt/saxon/saxon9he.jar "${file}".html
    echo "File $file.html Generated"
done < <(find "$topLevelDir" -type f -print0)

Here's a function that does what you ask, you pass it a folder see the call at the bottom func_process_folder_set "/folder".

    # --- -------------------------------- --- #
    # FUNC:  Process a folder of files
    # --- -------------------------------- --- #


        while read -rd $'\0' file; do

            fileext=${file##*.}  # -- get the .ext of file
            case ${fileext,,}    # -- make ext lowercase for checking in case statement
            echo "FILE: $file"   # -- print the file  (always use " " to handle file spaces)

        done < <(find  ${FOLDER} -type f -maxdepth 20 -name '*.*' -print0)


    # -- call the function above with this:
    func_process_folder_set "/some/folder"



find . -exec yourscript.sh {} \;


$ find . -type d -a -name userfiles -a -exec sh /whatever/myscript {}/.. \;

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