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How do I upload a new version of my project to SVN (eclipse)?

I have a Java project in an SVN server. I created a whole new version of it and now I want to "commit" but keep the previous version on the server. I'm not allowed to use branches on this project. So I've changed the new project's name to projectName_improved . I created a new folder for the project on the server. Now I want to upload projectName_improved to the new folder. I'm using eclipse (+SVN plugin). How do I technically do it (without branching)?

EDIT: The plugin I'm using is Subclipse .

  • In Eclipse, go to the SVN Repositories perspective.


  • Right click on the folder in which you want to put the new (improved) project.


  • import (to import a project to the server).


  • Browse...

  • Find the project on your computer. OK. OK. That's it. The new (improved) project is being uploaded to the server. Done.

Not a Java person myself, but from experience it sounds like you need to either;

A. Create a new repository on the SVN server. or B. Simply ADD the new folder in the existing repository and then in eclipse you should be able to commit.

I don't think there is anything in the eclipse plug-in itself that alows you to ADD new folders, you have to do that from the OS, or using an app like RapidSVN.

When I say ADD i mean that you can right click on the folder in win explorer and under SVN you can click the Add command. I am using tortoisesvn.... it will also add icons to your folders to let you know what needs to be committed.

Disconnect from the svn first (eclipse -> team menu -> disconnect) which will delete the existing svn info(say yes when it asks) and then again from the team menu share project- > follow on screen guiding into the svn repo (chosing the place you want to put it in. probably trunk). is this not working?

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