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PHP - Regex : I need help to build regex according these rules

I need help building a regular expression for preg_match according these rules:

  1. first and last char- letter/digit only.
  2. empty space not allowed
  3. char can be only - letter/digit/'-'/'_'/'.'

Legal examples :

  1. b.t612_rt
  2. rut-be
  3. rut7565

Not legal example :

  1. .btr78; btr78- (first/last allowed chars)
  2. start end; star t end; (any empty space)
  3. tr$be; tr*rt; tr/tr ... (not allowed chars)

Edit: I remove 4 rule with neigbor chars '_'\\'-'\\'.'

please help me.


Try this regular expression:


This matches any sequence that starts with at least one letter or digit ( ^[A-Za-z0-9]+ ) that may be followed by zero or more sequences of one of - , _ , or . ( [-_.] ) that must be followed by at least one letter or digit ( [A-Za-z0-9]+ ).

Try this:



if (preg_match(
    '%^               # start of string
    [\p{L}\p{N}]      # letter or digit
    [\p{L}\p{N}_.-]*  # any number of letters/digits/-_.
    [\p{L}\p{N}]      # letter or digit
    $                 # end of the string.
    $subject)) {
    # Successful match
} else {
    # Match attempt failed

Minimum string length: Two characters.

Well, for each of your rules:

  1. First and last letter/digit:



  2. empty space not allowed (nothing is needed, since we're doing a positive match and don't allow any whitespace anywhere):

  3. Only letters/digits/-/_/.

  4. No neighboring symbols:


So, all together:


But with all regexes, there are multiple solutions, so try it out...

Edit: for your edit :


You just remove the section for the rule you want to change/remote. it's that easy...

对于提供的示例,这似乎很好用: $patt = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+([-._][a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$/';

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