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Why aren't new versions of module showing up in CPAN?

So I'm trying to install Pod::ProjectDocs and it requires Syntax::Highlight::Universal . P/PA/PALANT/Syntax-Highlight-Universal-0.4.tar.gz from CPAN fails to build on my machine for some reason, but I downloaded M/MI/MISHOO/Syntax-Highlight-Universal-0.5.tar.gz and it builds fine with a perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install.

Version 0.4 was added to cpan in 2005 and 0.5 in 2009.

So, question: Even though the newer version (by a different author?) has been in CPAN for a while, why isn't it showing up when I search for it? It's not being mirrored by CPAN::Mini either apparently because it's not in 02packages.details.txt , but who decides what goes in there?

cpan[4]> i /syntax::highlight::universal/          
Module id = Syntax::Highlight::Universal
    DESCRIPTION  Syntax highlighter based on Colorer library
    CPAN_USERID  MISHOO (Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon@gmail.com>)
    CPAN_FILE    P/PA/PALANT/Syntax-Highlight-Universal-0.4.tar.gz
    UPLOAD_DATE  2005-03-13
    DSLIP_STATUS Rd+hp (released,developer,C++,hybrid,Standard-Perl)
    MANPAGE      Syntax::Highlight::Universal - Syntax highlighting module based on the Colorer library
    INST_FILE    /opt/perl/perl-5.12.2/lib/site_perl/5.12.2/i686-linux/Syntax/Highlight/Universal.pm

cpan[5]> d /syntax-highlight-universal/  
Distribution id = P/PA/PALANT/Syntax-Highlight-Universal-0.4.tar.gz
    CPAN_USERID  PALANT (Wladimir Palant <palant@cpan.org>)
    CONTAINSMODS Syntax::Highlight::Universal
    UPLOAD_DATE  2005-03-13

MISHOO probably uploaded 0.5 before becoming an authorized maintainer of Syntax::Highlight::Universal.

If that's the case, he just needs to use the Force Reindexing tool at PAUSE to get the index updated.

Note: This is cjm's comment (highest rated) copied as an answer so that the question is eventually removed from the unanswered page. I am setting this as community wiki so as not to take credit for his answer.

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