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PHP 6 Globals variables deprecated?

I've read stuff about global variables like $_SESSION , $_GET and $_POST being removed, or at least becoming deprecated in PHP 6.

Is this true? If so, what would be the alternative to retrieve data from the session or post?


$_SESSION , $_GET , etc. are not globals. They are actually called superglobals and will NOT be deprecated in PHP 6.

I think you heard that register globals was going to be deprecated, which means array items in variable such as $_GET would be converted to variables like: $_GET['id'] to $id . Read more about register globals .

No, you've read a rumor. A wrong one.

There isn't really that much known about PHP 6, so speculating about it doesn't make much sense.

Maybe you are referring to the removal of register_globals , session_register() and session_unregister() . Which were already deprecated in PHP 5.3.

These functions are deprecated with good reason, and you really shouldn't rely on them.

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