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how to configure Box2D in xcode

i want to add Box2D into my cocos2d 0.99.5 iphone/ipad project. I don't want to start new Box2D project from template.

I've added Box2D folder with Collision, Common & Dynamics, into my project and copied GLES-Render.h and .m and the license. I also put '.' in front of "Header Search Path" in Project Info and changed AppDelegate.m to .mm .

When i compile it gives me 2543 error like "Box2D/Collision/Shapes/bCircleShape.h: No such file or directory".... please help why isn't it finding Box2d package and how to solve it.

Ok, my mistake, when i added Box2D it was nested inside another folder "Box2D" i took it out and errors are reduced to 384. It's still unable to find some files like Cassert, Cmath Cfloat etc etc....

any solution?

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