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How do I exclude a specific package from Javadoc in NetBeans?

NetBeans generates Javadoc for all packages in the project. Adding the "-exclude" Javadoc option in the documentation form of the project properties under "Additional Javadoc Options" does not seem to work. How do I tell netBeans to exclude a specific package from the Javadoc?

I would try edit -javadoc-build target in the ant build script. On the Files tab browse your project and find nbproject/build-impl.xml , in this file find -javadoc-build target and replace ${excludes} variable in the fileset attribute called excludes with your desired package.

Ant fileset spec.

Faced this for a Maven project (a Jenkins plugin) for which I imported a WSDL service.

The wsimport in JDK8 generates code that is not compatible with the JDK8 javadoc compiler .

Until this problem is fixed, one possible work-around is to generate these files to a separate package (which is good in any case), and exclude it from the javadoc generation. The way to do this for a Maven project is by adding the following to the pom.xml.


        <!-- ... -->


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