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SeleneseTestCase is deprecated - how to call verify* methods?

When I use the code generated by the JUnit 4 formatter in the Selenium IDE, I get warnings that the class SeleneseTestCase is deprecated - makes sense since it's supposed to b JUnit 4 syntax and use annotations instead of deriving from a test class.

The issue is when I modify my code to not extend SeleneseTestCase I'm not sure how to call the verify* methods - they appear to only exist in the deprecated class. I can run my selenium actions using the code below but verifyTrue is undefined. What is the correct way to call the verify methods in Selenium 2.0b2?

private static Selenium selenium;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome", "http://testurl.com/");

public void testLogin() throws Exception {
    verifyTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("Please Sign In"));

我认为你的想法是使用JUnit的Assert.assertXXX() ,不同之处在于verifyXXX会在拆卸过程中失败而不是立即失败但我认为使用Selenium测试你通常想尽快失败(因为那些测试往往很慢) )。

As SeleneseTestCase is deprecated, you can use SeleneseTestBase instead of SeleneseTestCase. The java code for this as below:

import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleneseTestBase;
public class MySeleniumTest extends SeleneseTestBase{

public void aMethod(){
verifyTrue(boolean condition);

If you don't extends SeleneseTestBase class you can use an object as below:

new SeleneseTestBase().verifyTrue(boolean condition);

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