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how restart my window service programmatically in c#.net

can any one help me up on ...how can i restart my window service programatically by every 15 min in c#.net please help me .. i have done in my code like diz way i have did like dis way until upto in class page[RunInstaller(true)]

public class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer 
private System.ServiceProcess.ServiceProcessInstaller 
private System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller serviceInstaller1; 
public ProjectInstaller()
private void InitializeComponent() 
   this.serviceProcessInstaller1 = 
     new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceProcessInstaller(); 
   this.serviceInstaller1 = 
     new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller(); 
   this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Account = 
   this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Password = null;
   this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Username = null; 
   this.serviceInstaller1.ServiceName = "MyNewService"; 
   this.serviceInstaller1.StartType = 

     (new System.Configuration.Install.Installer[] 

You can use this code for service restarting:

using System.Diagnostics;

public static void RestartService(string serviceName)
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo("net.exe", "stop " + serviceName);
psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
psi.UseShellExecute = true;
psi.WorkingDirectory = Environment.SystemDirectory;
var st = Process.Start(psi);

psi = new ProcessStartInfo("net.exe", "start " + serviceName);
psi.UseShellExecute = true;
psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
psi.WorkingDirectory = Environment.SystemDirectory;
st = Process.Start(psi);


I got this code here , tested it and it worked. Use a timer with 15 minutes interval to call it every 15 minutes.

Few ways you could do this:

  1. Change your service to be a light-weight stub that hosts your current process in an AppDomain. Use a timer service to unload and restart your AppDomain.

  2. Create two services. Make the one service a timer and programatically restart this service using the ServiceController to access your service to stop and restart it.

You should not restart your complete service.
Instead you can create a timer within your service that triggers at regular intervals

Like this

private void StartTimer()
    System.Threading.Timer timer = 
        new System.Threading.Timer(

private void TimerCompleted(object state)
    // Call your action here

Call StartTimer from your service start and put all your work in ProcessFiles .

But if you actually just want to monitor changes in a directory you might instead use a FileSystemWatcher . It can notify you of changes in the filesystem immediately when the occur.

  • Create a batch file with following command:

    net stop "ServiceName" net start "ServiceName"

  • Use windows scheduler and create a schedule which runs this script every 15 mins.

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