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Security with Web Services in Java

We have a client that calls our web services. How can we make sure that it is only our client application that is calling the web service and not a client someone else created that calls our web services.

We'd like to avoid hard coding a password into the application.

A quick answer to your question would be to look into OAuth. Implementing OAuth correctly is a process so I would read up on the protocol documentation . Here is a link to example OAuth client libraries . I would also search StackOverflow for advice on OAuth implementations.

In this case you can use two-legged OAuth . This is a variation on standard OAuth and used by companies such as SimpleGeo . Then secure the communication with https and you have robust solution.

If you don't care about clients not running in a browser, then you can use XSRF tokens, a secret per session that is either associated with some session key in your backend, or round-tripped through two separate paths, such as via a hidden form input and a cookie over a secure channel. If you can't secure the channel, you have to make the tokens single-use. See http://www.cgisecurity.com/csrf-faq.html#protectapp

You can't in the general case. A reasonably intelligent hacker can probably reverse engineer any protocol you use, and extract any secrets you embed in the source code.

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