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Linq to Entities timeout issues

So I have the following linq query that times out when the foreach loop enumerates the data:

public IQueryable<Client> GetTopLevelData(Guid agentGuid, int year)
        var clients = from client in ObjectContext.Clients
                join cbc in ObjectContext.Client_Bucket_Client on client.Client_GUID equals cbc.Client_GUID
                join acb in ObjectContext.Agent_Client_Bucket on cbc.Client_Bucket_GUID equals acb.Client_Bucket_GUID
                where acb.Agent_GUID == agentGuid
                orderby client.Last_Change_Date descending, client.File_Under 
                select client;

        var clientInfos =
            from c in clients
            select new
                Client = c,
                TransactionInfos = ObjectContext.Transactions
                    .Where(t => t.Client_GUID == c.Client_GUID && t.Year == year)
                    .Select(t => new
                        Transaction = t,
                        ToAttach = ObjectContext.Forms.Where(f => f.Transaction_GUID == t.Transaction_GUID && f.Year == year) //.OrderByDescending(fo => fo.Create_Date);

        // Looping over this query will hit the database *once*
        foreach (var info in clientInfos)
            foreach (var transactionInfo in info.TransactionInfos)

            var tt = info.TransactionInfos.ToList(); //.Select(t => t.Transaction);

            var trans = tt.Select(t => t.Transaction);


You can set the timeout in your connection string .

"Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=northwind;server=mySQLServer;Connect Timeout=30";

The Connect Timeout is in seconds

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