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Trouble installing Helios - Java error

This is the same error other people get: Java was started but returned error code=13

I've looked in many places and I understand the nature of the error. It's a combination of getting the PATH right and getting the right JRE. So far so good.

Trouble is, I think I've done that. My path has C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre6\\bin in it, and my eclipse.ini has these lines just above -vmargs: -vm C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\javaw.exe

I do indeed have JRE6 and it's in that location and I did download it from Oracle, verified as current by that site.

I'm running Windows7 64-bit. I think JRE6 got installed in the x86 folder because that's where the older JREs are located. Out of frustration I tried pointing to the most recent of those (jre1.6.0_22) but of course that did no good either.

I've read numerous how-to articles and they all say more or less the same thing. Get the path right, make sure you have a current JRE, and add those lines to the ini file. Check, check and check.

I'd sure appreciate it if someone could tell me what I've done wrong.

You will get this error when you attempt to run a 64bit Eclipse on a 32bit JVM. Align the one and other. I'd uninstall the 32bit JRE/JDK by control panel > add/remove programs and then reinstall a 64bit one from http://java.com . It will automatically recognize the platform and install the right one. Otherwise download it manually from oracle.com . Be careful that you choose the right platform version.

Oh, I'd also undo the changes you made in eclipse.ini . Keep them untouched as long as you don't understand what the error means and what those lines do.

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