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Parsing multiple C source files

I have multiple C source files and respective header files. I am trying to parse these files using a compiler, eg ANTLR. In ANTLR parser grammar, you can define your header files using the


You can start parsing the first file eg

CommonTree tree = Parser.start("a.c"); 

and parser will parse the header file


but how to parse the files if you have multiple source file egbc, cc and so on with their respective header files.

C is a pig to parse --- the semantic type of a token depends on what it's been declared as. Consider:


If T is a type name, then this is a variable declaration. If it's an identifier, it's a functional call. In order to resolve this, any C parser that expects to actually work is going to have to keep a full type environment, which means it needs to be an unpleasantly large chunk of a C compiler.

There are ANTLR parsers for C that get all this stuff right but they're not trivial to use and I don't have any experience of them, so can't comment there.

Instead you might want to go look at using external tools to parse your C into something that's easier to deal with. gcc-xml is one such; it uses gcc itself to parse source files and then spit out XML that's much easier to handle.

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