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Crystal reports failed to open connection

hey there everyone. so, have ac# windows form that uses crystal reports and a sql express backend and one crystal report that pulls from a remote sql server 08. when trying to pull from the local database, i get a 'failed to open connection' but the report loads fine from the remote connection.

everything works great on the development machine, it's when testing on a virtual machine it fails. the DB on the virtual was created using a (current)backup of the develoment DB. here's the code for the connection...

private void frm_cr_Visit_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.Text = "Visit Report - Version:" + Application.ProductVersion;
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
        ReportDocument cryRpt = new ReportDocument();
        cryRpt.SetDatabaseLogon("login", "password", @"localserver\sqlexpress", "DBname");
        cryRpt.SetParameterValue("@VisitID", intVisitID);
        cryRpt.SetParameterValue("@FullName", GlobalVariables.GlobalFullName);
        crv.ReportSource = cryRpt;
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

all other DB functions within the program work. what causes the problem, and how do i fix it?

dave k

如果所有其他功能都起作用且数据库详细信息相同,请检查用户的权限,因为这是连接问题的常见原因(假设身份验证明显返回了该错误),还检查了URL(因为没有有关服务器名称的更多信息)假定显然,如果设置了HOSTS文件或服务器名称,以便“ localserver”起作用,则“ localserver”可能应为“ localhost”。

found my problem, it had to do with the sql server being set up for only windows authentication, and not that and sql login authentication.


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