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Not able to display one item from query result - PHP/MySQL

So, weird issue.

Here's the code:

//connect and execute query
@mysql_select_db('db_name') or die( "Unable to select database");

$query="SELECT node_revisions.nid, node_revisions.title, content_type_training_event.field_course_url_value
    FROM node_revisions, content_type_training_event
    WHERE body LIKE '%{$term}%' AND node_revisions.nid IN (SELECT nid FROM content_type_training_event) AND content_type_training_event.nid = node_revisions.nid";


$num = mysql_numrows($result);  

if ($num > 0)
while ($col = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 



//OK weird part...

echo($nid . $title . $url);

So, what happens is $title and $url are printed to screen, but $nid is not. When I run the same query inside MySQL Admin, I get the nid.

Any ideas? This is driving me nuts.

Maybe because there is an NID in multiple tables. Alias the NID in your query as follows:

$query="SELECT node_revisions.nid as nid, node_revisions.title, content_type_training_event.field_course_url_value
    FROM node_revisions, content_type_training_event
    WHERE body LIKE '%{$term}%' AND node_revisions.nid IN (SELECT nid FROM content_type_training_event) AND content_type_training_event.nid = node_revisions.nid"

I certainly could be wrong; feel free to downvote :)


SELECT node_revisions.nid as currentNid, node.....

And then


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