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IIS 7 hosted WCF service using domain account for app pool identity

I am trying to do something which I think should be very simple, but I am not having any luck at all. I have a simple Hello World WCF service that I am hosting in IIS 7. The service works fine using the default app pool. However, when I create a new app pool and have that app pool run using a domain account I get an error when calling the service. I am certain I need to make config changes, however I don't know what they are. The error I get is

"Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) authentication failed. The server may not be running in an account with identity 'host/ep2t-ifs01'. If the server is running in a service account (Network Service for example), specify the account's ServicePrincipalName as the identity in the EndpointAddress for the server. If the server is running in a user account, specify the account's UserPrincipalName as the identity in the EndpointAddress for the server."

Security of this type is not something I am very knowledgeable about so no suggestion is too simple. ANY help at this point will be greatly appreciated. Here is relevant section from my web.config file:

This issue is quite tricky. Here is a list of resources (in that particular order) you can check to understand the issue:

At the end, you will probably need to create a SPN for your domain account that is linked to the server you are deploying to. This requires domain administrator privileges. More info here

For some reason my web.config section didn't get saved...

    <behavior name="basicServiceBehavior">
      <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="True" />
      <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="False" />
  <service name="WebSyncPrototypeMVCApp.Service1" behaviorConfiguration="basicServiceBehavior">
    <endpoint address="" binding="wsHttpBinding" contract="WebSyncPrototypeMVCApp.IService1" />
    <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />

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