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How to use transaction with typed dataset in C#?

Hi How can I use transaction with typed dataset? Let's say I've a record table and record detail table and I've to save one in the record table and all the details in the record detail table. How can I use ? I found transaction can be used with untyped dataset but I don't see it with typed dataset. Can someone tell me how I should do?


There's a nice article (and code) at CodeProject on how to extend the typed dataset to enable transactions without having them get promoted to a distributed transaction when using the TransactionScope.

Summary: Use the transaction scope with a method added on the partial class to modify the underlying SqlCommand objects to take part in the same transaction.

using (SqlTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction())
       // These methods will update all relevant command objects’ transaction property



Code example for adapter from reference:

public partial class [TableAdapterName]
    public void EnlistTransaction(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction transaction)
        System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction _transaction;

        if (this._transaction != null)
            throw new System.InvalidOperationException
        ("This adapter has already been enlisted in a transaction");
            this._transaction = transaction;
            Adapter.UpdateCommand.Transaction = _transaction;
            Adapter.InsertCommand.Transaction = _transaction;
            Adapter.DeleteCommand.Transaction = _transaction;

I don't recommend using transactionscope, since it's difficult for handling code refactor since you can wrap a huge amount of code, this is how I recommend:

This answer it's different because it's adding the transaction for all commands and not only for persistence

Extend your partial Adapter class:

partial class YourTableAdapter
    public SqlTransaction Transaction
            if (this.CommandCollection != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.CommandCollection.Length; i++)
                    this.CommandCollection[i].Connection = value.Connection;
                    this.CommandCollection[i].Transaction = value;

            this.Connection = value.Connection;

Extension method:

namespace System
    public static class DALSqlExtension
        public static void AplicaTransaction(this SqlDataAdapter _adapter, SqlTransaction transaction)
            if (_adapter == null)
            if (_adapter.InsertCommand != null)
                _adapter.InsertCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                _adapter.InsertCommand.Connection = transaction.Connection;
            if (_adapter.UpdateCommand != null)
                _adapter.UpdateCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                _adapter.UpdateCommand.Connection = transaction.Connection;
            if (_adapter.DeleteCommand != null)
                _adapter.DeleteCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                _adapter.DeleteCommand.Connection = transaction.Connection;
            if (_adapter.SelectCommand != null)
                _adapter.SelectCommand.Transaction = transaction;
                _adapter.SelectCommand.Connection = transaction.Connection;

You can use TransactionScope and call both the updates within the scope of the TransactionScope object.

Please see the example provided in this link. TransactionScope .

An more close example is provided here .

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