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How to obtain list of tables names from a MySQL database in a C#?


see this link, its explain from the beginning of connect


u need to run "show tables"

private void btnListTables_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


      if (OdbcCon.State == ConnectionState.Open)


            // Execute the SHOW TABLES query on the MySQL database

            OdbcCom = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand("SHOW TABLES", OdbcCon);

            OdbcDR = OdbcCom.ExecuteReader();

            txtLog.AppendText("Tables inside " + txtDatabase.Text + ":\r\n");

            // Loop through the list of tables and display each one

            while (OdbcDR.Read())


                  txtLog.AppendText(">> " + OdbcDR[0] + "\r\n");




Is it useful? I think you may query MySql db from C# normally with this syntax, then consume the results.

Got the solution:

Here it is

SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM Information_Schema.Tables where Table_Type = 'BASE TABLE'

Hope this helps everyone looking out for an answer. :)

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