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ASP.NET MVC Session.IsNewSession issue with Google Chrome

I'm currently working on a Session expired piece of logic for my ASP.NET 3.5 MVC 2 project to log out a user and redirect them to the AccountController LogOn action.

I have the following attribute on all my actions that care about session state, and this piece of code works in IE 8, but not Firefox 4 or Google Chrome 10. The symptom is when I attempt to navigate to a view represented by an action with my [SessionExpireFilter] attribute, the ctx.Session.IsNewSession property in the below code is evaluating as "true" every time, even if I'm only seconds into my 30-minute session.

public class SessionExpireFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;

        // check if session is supported 
        if (ctx.Session != null && ctx.Session.IsNewSession)
            // If it says it is a new session, but an existing cookie exists, then it must 
            // have timed out 
            string sessionCookie = ctx.Request.Headers["Cookie"];
            if ((null != sessionCookie) && (sessionCookie.IndexOf("ASP.NET_SessionId") >= 0))


Is there any way to figure out why Chrome and Firefox are behaving this way, but IE is not? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: This is not working in FF as I originally believed. I am being directed to my LogOn action immediately after logging in and attempting to access an action with my SessionExpireFilter attribute.

ASP.NET will create a new session for every request unless you store something in it. Try adding the code below to your Global.asax . It works in my MVC2 and MVC3 apps with the same SessionExpireFilterAttribute .

protected void Session_Start()
    Session["Dummy"] = 1;

We can add session_start method in Golbal.asax file in MVC appliaction.

  protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
       HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("UserId" , null);

Then when application starting your session will be created. and then session will be not isNewSession 'True' , otherwise it will be always 'True'

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