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How would I make these data structure implementations generic, in Java?

I've written my own implementations of a Stack and a Queue , but I've made them work specifically for integers. I am well aware of the Java implementations, java.util.Stack and java.util.Queue , but I'm doing this as a learning experience... just want to learn something new. How would I make these generic implementations such that I can store any object in my Stack/Queue, not just integers?

Below is the code, but I also welcome all critique and suggestions on improvements. I would like to know what I've done well and what I haven't done well.


public class StackNode {

    public Integer value;

    public StackNode() {
        this.value = null;

    public StackNode(StackNode node) {
        this.value = node.value;

    public StackNode(Integer data) {
        this.value = data;


 * Stack Data Structure.
 * A Stack is a last in, first out (LIFO) data structure. A Stack can have any abstract data type as an element, but is
 * characterized by two fundamental operations: push() and pop(). The push() operation adds an element to the top of the Stack,
 * hiding any elements already on the Stack, or initializing the Stack if it is empty. The pop() operation removes an element
 * from the top of the Stack, and returns this element's value to the caller. Elements are removed from the Stack in the reverse
 * order to the order of their addition to the Stack; therefore, lower elements are those that have been on the Stack the
 * longest, thus, the first element added to the Stack will be the last one to be removed.
 * @author Hristo
public class Stack {

    private int size;
    private int capacity;
    private int topNodeIndex;

    private Object[] theStack;

     * Default Constructor. Initalizes this Stack with initial size = 0 and capacity = 1.
    public Stack() {

        this.size = 0;
        this.capacity = 1;
        this.topNodeIndex = -1;
        this.theStack = new Object[capacity];

     * Constructor. Initializes a Stack to have the given capacity.
     * @param capacity - the capacity of the Stack-to-be
    public Stack(int capacity) {

        this.size = 0;
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.topNodeIndex = -1;
        this.theStack = new Object[capacity];

     * Returns the size of this Stack, i.e., how many elements are in this Stack.
     * @return int - the size of this Stack
    public int size() {

        return this.size;

     * Returns the capacity of this Stack, i.e., the maximum number of elements this Stack can hold.
     * @return int - the capacity of this Stack
    public int capacity() {

        return this.capacity;

     * Returns whether or not this Stack is empty, i.e., size == 0.
     * @return boolean - true if this Stack is empty, false otherwise
    public boolean isEmpty() {

        return ((this.topNodeIndex == -1) && (this.size == 0)) ? true : false;

     * Returns whether or not this Stack is full, i.e., size == capacity.
     * @return boolean - true if this Stack is full, false otherwise
    public boolean isFull() {

        return (this.size == this.capacity) ? true : false;

     * Pushes the given value onto the top of this Stack.
     * @param value - the data to push
    public void push(Integer value) {

        if (value == null) {


        } else {

            if (isFull()) {


     * Removes the top element of this Stack and returns the corresponding value.
     * @return Integer - the value of the top element of this Stack
    public Integer pop() {

        if (isEmpty()) {

            return null;

        } else {

            return remove();

     * Returns the top element of this Stack without removing it.
     * @return Integer - the top element of this Stack
    public Integer peek() {

        return (isEmpty()) ? null : (((StackNode) theStack[this.topNodeIndex]).value);

     * Inserts the given value onto this Stack.
     * @param value - the value to insert
    private void insert(Integer value) {

        theStack[this.topNodeIndex + 1] = new StackNode(value);


     * Removes the top element of this Stack and returns the corresponding value.
    private Integer remove() {

        StackNode topNode = (StackNode) theStack[this.topNodeIndex];
        theStack[this.topNodeIndex] = null;

        return topNode.value;

     * Creates an array with double the size of the original and copies over the contents from the original.
    private void resize() {

        Object[] doubleStack = new Object[this.capacity * 2];

        for (int index = 0; index < this.size; index++) {
            doubleStack[index] = theStack[index];

        theStack = doubleStack;
        capacity *= 2;


public class QueueNode {

    public Integer value;

    public QueueNode() {
        this.value = null;

    public QueueNode(QueueNode node) {
        this.value = node.value;

    public QueueNode(Integer data) {
        this.value = data;


 * Queue Data Structure.
 * A Queue is a first in, first out (FIFO) data structure. A Queue can have any abstract data type as an element, but is
 * characterized by two fundamental operations: enqueue() and dequeue(). The enqueue() operation adds an element to the front of
 * the Queue, hiding any elements already in the Queue, or initializing the Queue if it is empty. The dequeue() operation
 * removes an element from the front of the Queue, and returns this element's value to the caller. Elements are removed from the
 * Queue in the same order to the order of their addition to the Queue; therefore, the first element added to the Queue will be
 * the first one to be removed.
 * @author Hristo
public class Queue {

    private int size;
    private int capacity;
    private int theEndIndex;
    private int theFrontIndex;

    private Object[] theQueue;

     * Default Constructor. Initalizes this Queue with initial size = 0 and capacity = 1.
    public Queue() {

        this.size = 0;
        this.capacity = 1;
        this.theEndIndex = -1;
        this.theFrontIndex = -1;
        this.theQueue = new Object[this.capacity];

     * Constructor. Initializes a Queue to have the given capacity.
     * @param capacity - the capacity of the Queue-to-be
    public Queue(int capacity) {

        this.size = 0;
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.theEndIndex = -1;
        this.theFrontIndex = -1;
        this.theQueue = new Object[capacity];


     * Returns the size of this Queue, i.e., how many elements are in this Queue.
     * @return int - the size of this Queue
    public int size() {

        return this.size;

     * Returns the capacity of this Queue, i.e., the maximum number of elements this Queue can hold.
     * @return int - the capacity of this Queue
    public int capacity() {

        return this.capacity;

     * Returns whether or not this Queue is empty, i.e., size == 0.
     * @return boolean - true if this Queue is empty, false otherwise
    public boolean isEmpty() {

        return ((this.theEndIndex == this.theFrontIndex) && (this.size == 0)) ? true : false;

     * Returns whether or not this Queue is full, i.e., size == capacity.
     * @return boolean - true if this Queue is full, false otherwise
    public boolean isFull() {

        return (this.size == this.capacity && this.theEndIndex == this.theFrontIndex) ? true : false;

     * Inserts the given value onto the end of this Queue.
     * @param value - the data to insert
    public void enqueue(Integer value) {

        if (value == null) {


        } else {

            if (isEmpty()) {
                this.theEndIndex = 0;
                this.theFrontIndex = 0;

            if (isFull()) {


     * Removes the front element in this Queue and returns it.
     * @return Integer - the front element in this Queue
    public Integer dequeue() {

        if (isEmpty()) {

            return null;

        } else {

            return remove();

     * Returns the front element of this Queue without removing it.
     * @return Integer - the front element of this Queue
    public Integer peek() {

        return (isEmpty()) ? null : (((QueueNode) theQueue[this.theFrontIndex]).value);

     * Inserts the given value into this Queue.
     * @param value - the value to insert
    private void insert(Integer value) {

        this.theQueue[this.theEndIndex] = new QueueNode(value);

         * 'theEndIndex' pointer indicates where to insert new QueueNodes in 'theQueue' array. If incrementing this pointer goes
         * beyond the size of 'theQueue' array, then pointer needs to wrap around to the beggining of 'theQueue' array.
        if (this.theEndIndex >= this.theQueue.length) {
            this.theEndIndex = 0; // wrap around


     * Removes the front element in this Queue and returns the corresponding value.
    private Integer remove() {

        QueueNode node = (QueueNode) this.theQueue[this.theFrontIndex];
        theQueue[this.theFrontIndex] = null;

         * 'theFrontIndex' pointer indicates where to remove QueueNodes from 'theQueue' array. If incrementing this pointer goes
         * beyond the size of 'theQueue' array, then pointer needs to wrap around to the beggining of 'theQueue' array.
        if (this.theFrontIndex >= this.theQueue.length) {
            this.theFrontIndex = 0; // wrap around

        return node.value;

     * Creates an array with double the size of the original and copies over the contents from the original.
    private void resize() {

        Object[] doubleQueue = new Object[this.capacity * 2];

        int count = 0;
        int iter = this.theFrontIndex;

        while (count < this.size) {

            doubleQueue[count] = (QueueNode) theQueue[iter];

            if (iter >= this.size && this.size > 1) {
                iter = 0;

        this.theQueue = doubleQueue;
        this.capacity *= 2;

        this.theEndIndex = this.size;
        this.theFrontIndex = 0;

Like this (you add the rest):

public class StackNode<T> 

    public T value;

public class Stack<T> 
    private int size;
    private int capacity;
    private int topNodeIndex;

    private StackNode<T>[] theStack;

The placeholder T describes the type of value help by the node class. So you can create a Stack<Double> or a Stack<Process> or any other type that you wish.

In order to make your stack and queue implementations generic (where you can make use of one implementation for more than one type) you have to create the array of objects and then cast it to generic type. Here is a tutorial that implements stack in java using array of generics . It may help you to start.

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