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SQL Server 2005 problem with ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY …)

This question is in relation to a previous question I've asked ... see "SQL Server 2005 How to order a recordset when using the LIKE operator".

The following works ...

with xx as
select  case
    when mycol = 'finance' then 1
    when mycol like 'finance%' then 2
    when mycol like '%finance%' then 3
    end as rnk, 
from    MyTable
where   mycol like '%finance%'

select * from xx 
order by xx.rnk, xx.mycol;

But what I really want to do is this, as I'm using the server to page through records ...

select  case
    when t.term = 'finance' then 1
    when t.term like 'finance%' then 2
    when t.term like '%finance%' then 3
    end as rnk, 
    row_number() over (order by rnk, t.term) as rownumber
from    tblTerms t
where   t.term like '%finance%'

select * from xx 
where rownumber between 11 and 20 -- page #2
order by xx.rnk, xx.mycol;

I'm getting an error " Invalid column name 'rnk' ".

Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this problem?

Many thanks,


The problem is in the common table expression (CTE) definition. You can't reference rnk in the same SELECT clause where the column alias is defined. You can try this:

select  case
    when t.term = 'finance' then 1
    when t.term like 'finance%' then 2
    when t.term like '%finance%' then 3
    end as rnk, 
from    tblTerms t
where   t.term like '%finance%'

yy AS
    row_number() over (order by rnk, term) as rownumber

select * from yy 
where rownumber between 11 and 20 -- page #2
order by yy.rnk, yy.mycol;

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