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Creating Data table from tabular report using Groovy

I've been lumbered with the job of converting a list report into tabular data, and for various reasons the only programmatic tool I have is groovy (ie no shell commands, no C, no perl). The data comes pre-summarised, in five columns,

Grouping (eg company), Sub-grouping (eg Quarter), sub total, sub-group total, grand total (with the summary data tacked onto the first row of each group) :

Big Co.\t2009 Q4\t29\t88\t308
\t2010 Q1\t38\t\t          
\t2010 Q4\t21\t\t          
Gargantua Inc.\t2009 Q4\t33\t139       
\t2010 Q1\t31\t\t          
\t2010 Q2\t36\t\t          
\t2010 Q3\t39\t\t          
Mediocre Ltd.\t2009 Q4\t39\t81     
\t2010 Q4\t42\t\t          

And the output needs to be something like:

    <tr><th>Group</th><th>2009 Q4</th><th>2010 Q1</th><th>2010 Q2</th><th>2010 Q3</th><th>2010 Q4</th><th>Subtotal</th></tr>
    <tr><th>Big Co</th><td>29</td><td>38</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>38</td><th>308</th></tr>      
    <tr><th>Gargantua Inc</th><td>29</td><td>31</td><td>36</td><td>39</td><td>&nbsp;</td><th>139</th></tr>
    <tr><th>Gargantua Inc</th><td>39</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>42</td><th>81</th></tr>

I'd like to be able run some loops over the data; stick things into an associative array of associative arrays, building a complete key list as I go; then loop again to produce the output. I've taken a look at groovy, and the Map syntax has my completely thrown.

Can anyone point me to some clearer examples of groovy Map iterations, so that I can at least get a toe in the water with this?

Any help gratefully received.

(In case anyone thinks this is just a fishing trip, I've kludged together a PHP version that does the trick - essentially I need to be able to translate this into groovy... )

$rows           = explode("\n", $data);
$group          = "";
$subgroup       = "";
$table          = array();
$totals         = array();
$subgroup_names = array();
$group_names    = array();
foreach($rows as $key => $row) { 
  $rowData = explode("\t", $row);
  if($rowData[0]) {
    $group = $rowData[0];
    $group_names[$rowData[0]] = true;  
  if($rowData[1]) {
    $subgroup = $rowData[1];
    $subgroup_names[$rowData[1]] = true;
  $table[$group][$subgroup]['jobcount'] = $rowData[2];
  if($rowData[3]) $totals[$group]['jobcount'] = $rowData[3];
  if($rowData[4]) $totals['grandtotal'] = $rowData[4];
$group_names    = array_keys($group_names);
$subgroup_names = array_keys($subgroup_names);

$result = array();
$result['header'] = "<th>&nbsp;</th>"; 
foreach ($subgroup_names as $subgroup) {
  $result['header'] .= "<th>$subgroup</th>"; 
$result['header'] .= "<th>Subtotals</th>"; 

foreach ($group_names as $group) {
  $result[$group] = "<th>$group</th>";
  foreach ($subgroup_names as $subgroup) {
    $value = isset($table[$group][$subgroup]['jobcount'])?
    $result[$group] .= "<td>".$value."</td>"; 
  $result[$group] .= "<th>".$totals[$group]['jobcount']."</th>";

$result['footer'] = "";
foreach ($subgroup_names as $subgroup) {
  $result['footer'] .= "<th>&nbsp;</th>"; 
$result['footer'] .= "<th>Total</th>"; 
$result['footer'] .= "<th>".$totals['grandtotal']."</th>"; 

echo "<table><tr>".join($result, "</tr>\n<tr>")."</tr></table>";


Ok, got this together... It's maybe not the prettiest -- but then neither is the input format ;-)

String txt = '''Big Co.\t2009 Q4\t29\t88\t308
    \t2010 Q1\t38\t\t          
    \t2010 Q4\t21\t\t          
    Gargantua Inc.\t2009 Q4\t33\t139       
    \t2010 Q1\t31\t\t          
    \t2010 Q2\t36\t\t          
    \t2010 Q3\t39\t\t          
    Mediocre Ltd.\t2009 Q4\t39\t81     
    \t2010 Q4\t42\t\t'''

// Parse the text
def summary = txt.split( '\n' ).inject( [] ) { list, row ->
  def split = row.split( '\t' ).collect { it.trim() }
  while( split.size() < 5 ) split << ''
  if( split[ 0 ] ) {
    list << [ group:split[ 0 ], grouptotal:split[ 3 ], grandtotal:split[ 4 ], subtotals:[:] ]
  list[ -1 ].subtotals << [ (split[ 1 ]):split[ 2 ] ]

// Get a sorted set of all available quarters
def allQuarters = summary.subtotals*.keySet().flatten() as TreeSet

// Then build our html output
def writer = new StringWriter()
def builder = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder( writer )
builder.table() {
  // Header row
  tr {
    th "group"
    allQuarters.each { q ->
      th q
    th "summary"
  // Row for each group
  summary.each { group ->
    tr {
      td group.group
      allQuarters.each { q ->
        def v = group.subtotals."$q"
        if( v )
          td v
          td { mkp.yieldUnescaped '&nbsp;' }
      td group.grouptotal
  // Footer row
  tr {
    td { mkp.yieldUnescaped '&nbsp;' }
    allQuarters.each { q ->
      td { mkp.yieldUnescaped '&nbsp;' }
    td summary.grandtotal.find { it } // Get the first non-empty grandtotal
println writer.toString()

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