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How to Parse an Array in Node.js?

What's the best way to parse:

[ 'Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100' ]
[ 'email@email.org' ]
[ 'User Name <admin@email.com>' ]
[ 'oi' ]

And take the [' '] out ?


More details:

It's the heads of an IMAP e-mail.


returns the data, etc.

What I want is to have:

"Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100"
"User Name"

So you're saying that console.log(msg.headers.date) gives you [ 'Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100' ] ??

In that case, console.log(msg.headers.date[0]) == Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100

Is that what you're trying to get?

What is this? A file? Straight text? Part of a larger JSON structure?

Basically, convert it into an actual structure and load it, one way or another:

  module.exports = [ [ 'Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100' ], [ 'email@email.org' ], [ 'User Name <admin@email.com>' ], [ 'oi' ] ]; ---- var info = require('./file'); // info[0][0] == Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100

or if you want to parse it:

  var lines = [ "[ 'Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100' ]", "[ 'email@email.org' ]", "[ 'User Name <admin@email.com>' ]", "[ 'oi' ]" ]; var info = JSON.parse('[' + lines.join(',') + ']'); // info[0][0] == Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100

Assuming each line is an element in the array lines :

var lines = [
    "[ 'Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:15:59 +0100' ]",
    "[ 'email@email.org' ]",
    "[ 'User Name <admin@email.com>' ]",
    "[ 'oi' ]"

for(var i=0;i<lines.length;i++){
    lines[i]=lines[i].replace(/^\[ *'|' *\]$/g,'');


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