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GStreamer on Android

Can anyone give me any tips on getting GStreamer to work on Android. I have never used it before and I would like to use it with FFmpeg (I already have FFmpeg compiled and works fine on Android). I would just like to use GStreamer to help with some of the processing as learning the FFmpeg API is somewhat of a nightmare haha. Thanks in advance for any help at all!

Try this link as well : http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/GstreamerAndroid_InstallInstructions

and also subscribe to the gstreamer android mailing list : http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/gstreamer-android

idealy you must build the gstreamer first for android and then port it and run a basic command on the adb shell for the sanity check.

Once this is done you can do the same for ffmpeg (which you have already done) Download the ndk from here and then Try taking out the sample code from the ndk and add your c files in any of the simple jni programme .In c files you can programme the gstreamer and ffmpeg api calls.

You need to understand the ndk build documentation as well.

Check http://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/attic/gst-android/ It could be very useful.

Cheers Kapil

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