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Which Qt Widget to scroll through widgets?

I am currently working on a Qt project for my school. For this project I need to list an unknown number of elements in a window without resizing its content.

I've used some VBoxLayout in the past, but it isn't what I am searching at all. This widget resizes its content depending on the number of elements it contains. What I would like is to add as much widgets as I need into the "scrolling widget", which will stack next to each other automatically and won't resize.

I tried using QScrollArea but I wasn't able to make elements stack on each others.

Here is a small drawing explaining my problem: 在此输入图像描述

Here is how I do it with a QVBoxLayout and a QScrollArea :

//scrollview so all items fit in window
    QScrollArea* techScroll = new QScrollArea(tabWidget);

    //vertical box that contains all the checkboxes for the filters 
    QWidget* techArea = new QWidget(tabWidget);
    techArea->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
    techArea->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(techArea));

Then when adding items you do it like this (with lay = techArea->layout() and parent = techarea :

for(std::set<Event::Enum>::iterator it = validEvents.begin(); it != validEvents.end();
        QCheckBox* chk = new QCheckBox(
        "text", parent);



RedX's answer was a bit vague, but I got his method to work:

QRadioButton *radio[40];

for (int i = 0;i<40;i++)
    radio[i] = new QRadioButton(tr("&Radio button 1"));

QWidget* techArea = new QWidget;
techArea->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding);
techArea->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(techArea));

QLayout *lay = techArea->layout();

for (int i = 0;i<40;i++)

If your display elements are simple, the easiest solution is a QListWidget . This will automatically resize itself and inform the QScrollArea when you add items. You just have to call myScrollAlrea -> setWidget (myListWidget) to initialise, and then myListWidget -> addItem (myListWidgetItem) to add new items.

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