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Entity Framework 4.1 Code First Foreign Key Id's

I have two entities referenced one to many. When entity framework created the table it creates two foreign keys, one for the key I have specified with the fluent interface and the other for the ICollection. How do I get rid of the duplicate foreign key?

public class Person
    public long RecordId { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Username { get; set; }

    public long DepartmentId { get; set; }
    public virtual Department Department { get; set; }

public class Department
    public long RecordId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Person> People { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        .HasRequired(p => p.Department)
        .HasForeignKey(p => p.DepartmentId)


You must specify the many-end of the association explicitely:

    .HasRequired(p => p.Department)
    .WithMany(d => d.People)
    .HasForeignKey(p => p.DepartmentId)

Otherwise EF will assume that there are two associations: One which is not exposed in Department with the foreign key DepartmentId and navigation property Department in the Person class as you have defined in the Fluent code - and another association which belongs to the exposed navigation property People but with another not exposed end in Person and a foreign key automatically created by EF. That's the other key you see in the database.

The default Code First conventions detect your DepartmentId foreign key, since it is, well, conventional. I think you should remove the Fluent definition:

    .HasRequired(p => p.Department)

best thing is to remove departmentid property from Person class and add the following statement. MapKey will create foreign key column with the name you specify

 modelBuilder.Entity<Person>().HasRequired(p =>  p.Department)

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