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Example of using Chef with LibCloud

Chef is commonly used for provisioning servers, right? So is LibCloud, right?

What's an example use case of why someone would use both tools together?

I use chef to bootstrap ec2 instances. I also use boto to do further modifications of ec2 instances such as creating tags etc. I will be now be using libcloud more often since I will I will have a mix between rackspace and ec2.

As a side, when bootstrap a ec2 or rackspace instance, I do not use knife, I use libcload to boot a machine and ssh into into machine and install chef client since I fond it to be more reliable and even faster then knife by 3-5 minutes.

Net net, both are used together. Its a happy marriage.

Chef works with a variety of cloud computing providers:

  • Amazon AWS EC2
  • Rackspace Cloud
  • Terremark vCloud
  • Bluebox Group
  • Openstack
  • Slicehost

It does this through the Ruby library, fog.

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