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select from sqlite table where rowid in list using python sqlite3 — DB-API 2.0

The following works:

>>> cursor.execute("select * from sqlitetable where rowid in (2,3);")

The following doesn't:

>>> cursor.execute("select * from sqlitetable where rowid in (?) ", [[2,3]] )
sqlite3.InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 0 - probably unsupported type.

Is there a way to pass in a python list without having to format it into a string first ?

Unfortunately not. Each value must be given its own parameter mark ( ? ). Since the argument list can (presumably) have arbitrary length, you must use string formating to build the correct number of parameter marks. Happily, that isn't so hard:

sql="select * from sqlitetable where rowid in ({seq})".format(

cursor.execute(sql, args)

In Python 3.6 you can also build queries with the f strings:

args=[2, 3]
query = f"SELECT * FROM sqlitetable WHERE rowid in ({','.join(['?']*len(args))})"
cursor.execute(query, args)

SQLite natively supports only the types TEXT, INTEGER, REAL, BLOB and NULL. If you want to use other types you must add support for them yourself. The detect_types parameter and the using custom converters registered with the module-level register_converter() function allow you to easily do that.

As described before, SQLite supports only a limited set of types natively.

To use other Python types with SQLite, you must adapt them to one of the sqlite3 module's supported types for SQLite: one of NoneType, int, float, str, bytes.


Let's ids_list be the list of desired row ids, a simple solution would be:

sql = "SELECT * FROM sqlitetable WHERE rowid IN {}".format(str(tuple(ids_list)

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