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How do I delete this Void Pointer?

#define ALIGNBUF(Length) Length % ALIGNSIZE ? \
              Length + ALIGNSIZE - (Length % ALIGNSIZE) : Length 

short NumCols;
long * ColLenArray, * OffsetArray;

ColLenArray = new long(NumCols * sizeof(long));
OffsetArray = new long(NumCols * sizeof(long));

SQLColAttribute(hstmt, ((SQLUSMALLINT) i)+1, SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH, NULL, 0, NULL, &ColLenArray[i]);
    ColLenArray[i] = ALIGNBUF(ColLenArray[i]);
    if (i)
        OffsetArray[i] = OffsetArray[i-1]+ColLenArray[i-1]+ALIGNBUF(sizeof(SQLINTEGER));

void **DataPtr = new void*[OffsetArray[NumCols - 1] + ColLenArray[NumCols - 1] + ALIGNBUF(sizeof(long))];

delete []DataPtr;

Don't think it can be done, have tried every way imaginable.

This code works, as in the program runs, I just can't deallocate the memory. Every time this code is called(not all code included as it isn't relevant) the memory gets bigger. I think that deletion is not happening properly and that the void * keeps growing.

I have also changed some of the code above based on recommendations here, but as this code is, the memory keeps growing.

You can't invoke delete on a void * .

The solution is to not cast a pointer-to- void** (which is what new void*[...] will give you) to void* . I don't really know what your code is supposed to be doing, but have you tried changing the type of DataPtr to void ** ?

More generally, avoid void* as far as possible in C++. There are better solutions. If you edit your question to describe what you're trying to achieve, then we may be able to help suggest something.

You should try avoid mixing void* and new . In C++ actually, new is meant to automatically determine the type of the pointer; then why should not use it. At least you can use char* , if you are simply dealing with raw bytes.

Other point is new void*[SIZE] allocates void** . So you should change the declaration to void **DataPtr . Remove typecasting ahead of new . You can now delete[] DataPtr; .


The code have some problems, the variables should be declared like below:

ColLenArray = new long[NumCols * sizeof(long)]; // declare as long[] (not long())
OffsetArray = new long[NumCols * sizeof(long)];

when you declare those variables as, new long() ; it will simply initialize the value and assign a pointer to single long .

The memory corruption happens because, you are using ColLenArray[i] , which is accessing wrong memory. Since you are going to use above variables as arrays, it should be new long[] . Then memory corruption will not happen. After usage, you should delete[] them.

You just want a block of memory that you can pass to some database library routines? Allocate thus:

char * buffer = new char[ len ];

len is the length of the buffer in bytes. To delete, simply do:

delete [] buffer;

You want a void* to pass to a function?

void * DataPtr = static_cast< void* >( buffer );

For extra merit points, use boost to manage deletion:

boost::scoped_array< char > buffer( new char[ len ] );

... then you don't have to worry about deletion. To get the buffer here, you need:

void * DataPtr = static_cast< void* >( buffer.get() );

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