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call dropdownlist selected index changed event manually

i have a dropdown which fill on page load event.

private void FillSponsor()
        ddlSponsor.DataSource = Db.VCT_SPONSORs.Where(x => x.IS_ACTIVE.GetValueOrDefault() && x.IS_APPROVED.GetValueOrDefault());

Now what i want is to bind other dropdown with the first value of above dropdown. my second dropdown is:

protected void ddlSponsor_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ddlDivision.DataSource = Db.VCT_SPONSOR_DIVISIONs.Where(x => x.SPONSOR_ID==SponsorID);
        ddlDivision.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "0"));

My problem is how to call ddlSponsor_SelectedIndexChanged event from the FillSponsor method. My both dropdowns are in update panels.


ddlSponsor_SelectedIndexChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);

You can use DateBound Event instead. like...

protected void ddlSponsor_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ddlDivision.DataSource = Db.VCT_SPONSOR_DIVISIONs.Where(x => x.SPONSOR_ID==SponsorID);
    ddlDivision.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All", "0"));

I believe your main problem is having controls in separate update panels.


Code sample from that link:

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID='asdsd' UpdateMode="Conditional">

    <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID='DropDownList2' EventName='SelectedIndexChanged' />

I believe what you are after is AsyncPostBackTriggers, and don't forget UpdateMode="Conditional".

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