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Htmlselect selected index changed event

I have 2 HtmlSelect controls and i need to load second one according to first HtmlSelect's selected index. But it doesn't work, because HtmlSelect doesnt have selectedindexchanged event. What do i need to do? Any idea?


<!--These are my Html Select controls-->

 select runat="server" id="drpCity"></select> 
 <select runat="server" id="drpState">/select>

  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     FillStates(drpState, drpCity.SelectedValue);

  public void FillCitiesHtmlSelect(HtmlSelect drpCity)
           BusCity busCity = new BusCity();
           List<EntCity> lentCity = busCity.SearchAll();
           drpCity.DataValueField = EntCity.Columns.CITYCODE;
           drpCity.DataTextField = EntCity.Columns.CITYNAME;
           drpCity.DataSource = lentCity;

            drpCity.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("City", string.Empty));

public void FillStatesHtmlSelect(HtmlSelect drpState, string cityCode)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityCode))
          BusState busState = new BusState();
          List<EntState> lentEmsState = busState.Search(cityCode);
          drpState.DataValueField = EntState.Columns.STATECODE;
          drpState.DataTextField = EntState.Columns.STATENAME;
          drpState.DataSource = lentState;
           drpState.Items.Insert(0, "State", string.Empty));

I can suggest an approach, though i have not implemented it. If you can call a javascript function from your one select control to check for a non-default value and if the condition meets, load the second select html.

HTML select控件没有'selectedindexchanged'事件,而是客户端事件'onchange'。同样,您不能从html select控件调用服务器端。要调用在C#代码页(服务器端)中编写的函数,您需要使用webservice将您的C#函数定义为webmethord,并在html select控件的“ onchange”事件中使用网络服务调用函数。

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