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How do I invoke a method in another thread?

I have the following classes:

        using System;
        using System.Windows.Forms;

        namespace FastEyeControl
            public partial class ConnectView : Form, IConnectView
                private IConnectPresenter m_Presenter;

                public ConnectView()

                    m_Presenter = new ConnectPresenter(this);

                public string Hostname
                        return m_Hostname.Text;

                public int Port
                        return Convert.ToInt32(m_Port.Text);

                public void ShowMessage(string message)

                public void ShowError(string message)

                private void m_ConnectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

The presenter class:

        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;

        namespace FastEyeControl
            public class ConnectPresenter : IConnectPresenter
                private IConnectView m_View;
                private IConnectModel m_Model;

                public ConnectPresenter(IConnectView view)
                    m_View = view;
                    m_Model = FastEyeClient.Instance;

                public void ConnectButtonPressed()
                    m_Model.Connect(m_View.Hostname, m_View.Port);

                private void ConnectionComplete(object sender, ConnectionEventArgs e)
                    // Code here indicating whether connection was successful and informing the view.
                    // i.e...

                    if (e.IsConnected)
                        m_View.ShowMessage("Successfully connected.");
                        m_View.ShowError("Unable to connect.");

The model code runs in another thread. The problem is that when I call m_Model.Connect(), I'm calling code that's usually running in another thread within the main thread still (the UI thread). This is not a database connection. This is a TCP/IP connection to a server. If I set a variable within the model, then I am doing this from the UI thread which is not thread safe.

I know that with user controls, they have InvokeRequired and Invoke/BeginInvoke operations that will handle this situation. But that is for user controls only. I know you can't just interrupt another thread in the middle of its execution and tell it to call another method instead. I basically want the non-UI thread to call the Connect code somehow.

Just as a test, I tried using a delegate (fire off an event whenever I want to connect) and when I look in the debugger, the Connect code is still running in the UI thread.

I need a multi-threaded event queue essentially. What's the best way to achieve what I want to do here? Thanks!


 public void ConnectButtonPressed()
                var threadedTask = () => m_Model.Connect(m_View.Hostname, m_View.Port);

This will, no question, use a background thread from the ThreadPool to do the work. Maybe you had tried to call the delegate directly, or called Invoke() on it; that will execute the delegate synchronously.

Now, BeginInvoke is simple to set up, but it has its limitations; you cannot cancel execution of the background thread, and if it throws an exception you cannot catch it in the invoking thread.

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