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Trouble passing argument to Ant exec task

I'm using Ant 1.8. I want to pass a property that I define in my script to an exec command. Although I can see the property has a value in my echo statements, when I pass it to the script and output its value in the script, its value prints out as "${myco.test.root}", without being converted. What is the correct way to pass the property's value to the script? Below is the relevant code from my build.xml file …

<target name="checkout-selenium-tests" depends="set-critical-path-test-suite,set-default-test-suite,check-local-folders-exist">
<echo message=" test root ${myco.test.root}" />
<stcheckout servername="${st.servername}"

    <delete file="${myco.testsuite.file}" />
    <echo message="test root ${myco.test.root}" />
    <exec failonerror="true" executable="perl" dir="${scripts.dir}">
            <arg value="generate_test_suite.pl" />
            <arg value="My Tests" />
            <arg value="${myco.test.root}" />
            <arg value="${myco.testsuite.file}" />

Thanks, - Dave

It actually looks good to me. Try running the build.xml with both the verbose and debug options turned on in Ant:

ant -d -v checkout-selenium-tests

That'll help trace down where the error could be coming from.

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