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How to handle “infinite” web pages?

Once upon a time, life was simple: All web pages had finite length and if they didn't fit into the current windows/view size, you'd simply scroll down until you reached the bottom of the page.

But I recently noticed that there is a new trend in the web design world: Bottomless web pages.

Probably the most familiar examples of sites utilizing such pages are Facebook and Twitter: You scroll to the "bottom", only to trigger some refresh that adds content to the page, so the "old bottom" is no longer a bottom and, instead, there is a new "bottom".

In an Android WebView, I need to be able capture all the content currently available on that "page", but I am not sure how to approach this:

Simulate user's scroll down via View.scrollBy(int x, int y) , pageDown() or window.scrollTo() ?

Or is there an API method that does this automatically for me?

Or am I approaching this completely wrong and I shouldn't attempt to get to the "real bottom" in one capture (if possible at all)?

EDIT : It seems that tagging this question javascript communicated the opposite message. I am interested in capturing (then processing) such bottomless pages on Android's WebView, using Java .

Edit: disregard this answer, I misunderstood the question. Leaving the answer in case others misunderstand the question as well.

You could use the jqPageFlow jQuery plugin , or base yourself on its documentation.

Infinite scroll is another great option.

Given the following web page:

<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <!-- website code -->

    <!-- The endless articles you want to process -->
    <div class="article">

    <div class="article">

    <div class="article">

    <!-- ... -->        

Here would be the code to use:

(function($) {      // closure
    $(function() {  // when the document is ready
        var height      = $(this).height(), // get initial height
            lastEl      = null,                // track last element processed
            getData     =
                // this function will process the data as it comes in
                function() {
                    var $elements = $(".article");
                    // don't reprocess data
                    if(lastEl) { 
                        $elements = $elements

                    lastEl = $elements
                        .each(function() {
                            // do what you want with the element
                        // save the last element processed
                        .get(-1) || lastEl; 

                    // finally, scroll to the bottom of the page

        $(document).bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function() {
            var newHeight = $(this).height();
            if(newHeight != height) {
                height = newHeight;

Just change the $elements selector to what you want to look for. Then, you should be okay. It is verbose, but also performance-light.

Regardless what language do you use, the solution is quite simple. You just catch the bechavior of user (by capturing current y and comparing it to max y od the page), then You have to add some new information to you content, by async connection. That is all. Don't know very well Java so I can only give a hint, but the idea is the same in all technologies/languages.

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