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How to use a single transaction for a Wicket / Spring page view?

My previous question How to wrap Wicket page rendering in a Spring / Hibernate transaction? has led me to thinking about transaction demarcation in Wicket.

Whilst the example there was easily solved by moving business logic down into a Spring-managed layer, there are other places where this is not possible.

I have a generic DAO class, implemented by Hibernate, with

public class HibernateDAO<T> implements DAO<T> {

    protected final Class<T> entityClass;
    private final SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public T load(Serializable id) {
        return (T) getSession().get(entityClass, id);

    public void saveOrUpdate(T object) {


and a generic model to fetch it

public class DAOEntityModel<T> extends LoadableDetachableModel<T>{

    private DAO<T> dao;
    private final Serializable id;

    public DAOEntityModel(DAO<T> dao, Serializable id) {
        this.dao = dao;
        this.id = id;

    public <U extends Entity> DAOEntityModel(DAO<T> dao, U entity) {
        this(dao, entity.getId());

    public Serializable getId() {
        return id;

    protected T load() {
        return dao.load(id);


Now I have a minimal form that changes an entity

public class ScreenDetailsPanel extends Panel {

    @SpringBean(name="screenDAO") private DAO<Screen> dao;

    public ScreenDetailsPanel(String panelId, Long screenId) {
        final IModel<Screen> screenModel = new DAOEntityModel<Screen>(dao, screenId);
        Form<Screen> form = new Form<Screen>("form") {
            @Override protected void onSubmit() {
                Screen screen = screenModel.getObject();
            new TextField<String>("name", new PropertyModel<String>(screenModel, "name")));

So far so good - thanks for sticking with it!

So my issue is this - when the form is submitted, the PropertyModel will load the screenModel, which will happen in the transaction delineated by the @Transactional dao.load(id). The commit of the changes will when the (different) transaction started for dao.saveOrUpdate(object) is committed. In between these times all bets are off, so that the object may no longer exist in the DB to be committed.

I'm never entirely sure with DB code and transactions. Should I just shrug this off as unlikely, although I could construct other more complicated but more dangerous scenarios? If not I can't see how to demarcate the whole page logic in a single transaction, which is what my instinct tells me I should be aiming for.

Typically you would solve this by putting the @Transactional annotation on a service-level class, used by your front-end layer code, which wraps around the DAO operations - so that the load and save happens within the same transaction. In other words, you can solve this by creating a layer of code between the form and the DAO code, a "service layer", which provides the business-level logic and hides the presence of DAOs from the presentation layer.

I've not yet implemented it, but I'm pretty sure that @ireddick solution in How to control JPA persistence in Wicket forms? of lazily starting a tx in in the Wicket request cycle is the best solution here. I'm going to accept this proxy for it to stop Stack Overflow nagging me to accept an answer.

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