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Capitalize First Letter Of Each Word except for URLs

Can someone tell me please how to do this:


hello http://DOMAIN.com/asdakdjk.php?asd=231&adsj=23 u.s. nicely done!


Hello http://DOMAIN.com/asdakdjk.php?asd=231&adsj=23 U.S. Nicely Done!

Including words in separated by '.'if possible such as in US


try this:


function capitalizeNonURLs($input)
    preg_match('@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', $input, $matches);
    $url = $matches[1];

    $temp = ucwords($input);
    $output = str_ireplace($url, $url, $temp);

    return $output;

$str = "hello http://domain.com/asdakdjk.php?asd=231&adsj=23 u.s. nicely done!";
echo capitalizeNonURLs($str);

Keep in mind that this function does not handle abbreviations (it won't change usa to USA). Country codes can be handled in several different ways. One is to make a hashmap of country codes and replace them or use regular expression for that as well.

To keep urls lower:

$strarray = explode(' ',$str);
    $strarray[$i] = ucfirst($strarray[$i])

$new_str = implode('',$strarray);

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