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How does rails determine incoming request format?

I'm just wondering how rails knows the format of the request as to correctly enter in the famous:

respond_to do |format|

As an example consider this situation I have faced up. Suppose that via javascript (using jQuery) I make a POST request expliciting dataType: json

      type: 'POST',
      url: 'example.com',
      data: data,
      dataType: 'json'

When this request reach controller action, standing inside it with ruby debugger, I inspect @request.format and I can see that content-type is application/json. Then the controller respond to json format as expected.

But I'm confused with the format symbol especified in the routes. Suppose that a request is made to example.com/parts.json but in the request the content type is application/html or application/xml. Is the controller responding to json format or html or xml??


From ActionController::MimeResponds : "Rails determines the desired response format from the HTTP Accept header submitted by the client."

The incoming Content-Type only affects the way the request is parsed. It doesn't affect the response format.

Since Rails 5.0 , the response format is determined by checking for:

  1. A format parameter (eg /url?format=xml )
  2. The HTTP Accept header (eg Accept: application/json )
  3. The path extension (eg /url.html )

You can see this in the implementation of ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotation#formats . Here is an excerpt from Rails v6.1:

if params_readable?
elsif use_accept_header && valid_accept_header
elsif extension_format = format_from_path_extension
elsif xhr?

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