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Conversion from boost::shared_ptr to std::shared_ptr?

I got a library that internally uses Boost's version of shared_ptr and exposes only those. For my application, I'd like to use std::shared_ptr whenever possible though. Sadly, there is no direct conversion between the two types, as the ref counting stuff is implementation dependent.

Is there any way to have both a boost::shared_ptr and a std::shared_ptr share the same ref-count-object? Or at least steal the ref-count from the Boost version and only let the stdlib version take care of it?

Based on janm's response at first I did this:

template<class T> std::shared_ptr<T> to_std(const boost::shared_ptr<T> &p) {
    return std::shared_ptr<T>(p.get(), [p](...) mutable { p.reset(); });

template<class T> boost::shared_ptr<T> to_boost(const std::shared_ptr<T> &p) {
    return boost::shared_ptr<T>(p.get(), [p](...) mutable { p.reset(); });

But then I realized I could do this instead:

namespace {
    template<class SharedPointer> struct Holder {
        SharedPointer p;

        Holder(const SharedPointer &p) : p(p) {}
        Holder(const Holder &other) : p(other.p) {}
        Holder(Holder &&other) : p(std::move(other.p)) {}

        void operator () (...) { p.reset(); }

template<class T> std::shared_ptr<T> to_std_ptr(const boost::shared_ptr<T> &p) {
    typedef Holder<std::shared_ptr<T>> H;
    if(H *h = boost::get_deleter<H>(p)) {
        return h->p;
    } else {
        return std::shared_ptr<T>(p.get(), Holder<boost::shared_ptr<T>>(p));

template<class T> boost::shared_ptr<T> to_boost_ptr(const std::shared_ptr<T> &p){
    typedef Holder<boost::shared_ptr<T>> H;
    if(H * h = std::get_deleter<H>(p)) {
        return h->p;
    } else {
        return boost::shared_ptr<T>(p.get(), Holder<std::shared_ptr<T>>(p));

This solution leaves no reason for not using it without restrictions since you get the original pointer back if you convert back to the original type.

You can carry the boost::shared_ptr "inside" the std::shared_ptr by using the destructor to carry the reference around:

template<typename T>
void do_release(typename boost::shared_ptr<T> const&, T*)

template<typename T>
typename std::shared_ptr<T> to_std(typename boost::shared_ptr<T> const& p)
                boost::bind(&do_release<T>, p, _1));


The only real reason to do this is if you have a bunch of code that expects std::shared_ptr<T> .

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