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ASP.NET Varying Trust Level Per-Page by Assembly?

I have two web applications (pre-compiled sites), one is first-party and will run at full trust. Another is third-party and should run at partial trust (or with specific permissions).

TrustedAssembly.Web.Pages.MyPage should run in the full trust default AppDomain. UntrustedAssembly.Web.Pages.SomePage should run in a partial trust AppDomain.

Furthermore, if TrustedAssembly.Web.Pages.MyPage dynamically loads UntrustedAssembly.Web.Controls.SomeControl is it possible to run the control in partial trust and/or with specific permissions, while the page runs under full trust?

And vice versa, eg UntrustedAssembly.Web.Controls.SomePage dynamically loads TrustedAssembly.Web.Controls.MyControl , is it possible to run the control in full trust while the page runs under partial trust?

Update/FYI: This is .NET 4

Doing this is likely to be a bit tricky. Here are two possible lines of thought:

The first is to run the app in Medium trust, but to place anything that you want running in full trust in the GAC, and what you want running in partial trust in bin.

Note that in your 'vice versa' scenario, the trusted control may need to perform a security 'assert' before being able to perform full trust operations. eg

(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)).Assert();

The second line of thought is to run the app in Full trust, but then load any assembly that you want running in Medium trust using a custom Evidence . eg

var evidence = new Evidence();
// Initialize the Evidence
Assembly.LoadFrom(path, evidence);

But be aware that correctly setting up the Evidence object is not for the faint of heart, and I'm not sure I would go does that path.

Not a complete answer, but hopefully some ideas that can lead to one :)

+1 to David Ebbo - running whole app under partial trust and elevating for calls from GACed assembly is only sane approach.

Some more points to think about...

  • not many classes are designed to be remoted between AppDomains. ASP.Net ones are not very remotable...
  • ASP.Net controls have very many integration points with runtime. You'll need to build very interesting proxy classes to properly restrict interactions between controls and runtime to avoid potential elevations and have correct cross-domain marshalling.
  • it is easy to "leak" classes from other assemblies across domain boundaries (custom loading from custom location helps to prevent "leaks" by making failures more obvious). Using framework with a lot of etensions points (overrides, events) like ASP.Net gives more chances to bring objects cross domain.
  • this will not help you with running arbitrary code in your process - you declare trust (non-CLR sense) to custom code by simply loading into your process. Ie StackOverflow is achivable by code that have just execute permissions and it will relably bring your process down.

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