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Can I inject javascript code from the address bar into a flash video


Unless I have misunderstood your question, I would advise that the last thing you would want to do is allow Javascript entered into your address bar to have any control over your page content.

Doing so allows users to abuse your pages and is also a security threat.

If you can avoid passing Javascript via the address bar, it is entirely possible for Javascript to 'control' flash objects on the page. Check this out:


And also this thread too:

Controlling a Flash Player using JavaScript

You don't need that.
AS3 has the ExternalInterface class that deals with calling JavaScript functions from Flash.
You can both call JavaScript functions and get results returned by JavaScript functions directly from Flash.

All you need is read this:

Added after comments:
User is asking if JavaScript placed in address bar can "mess with swf" file. JavaScript can only mess with SWF execution of its AS code if it contains callbacks that get data from JavaScript which are not properly sanitized. JavaScript directly in address bar is less of a wary because using various addons, software etc (Firebug, Dragonfly) you can write as much JavaScript as you want and execute it as if it was part of that site (client side execution).

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