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Send a form array to PHP using AJAX as a POST array

Guys I am looking for a way to send my html form array to the php script to execute as an array.I tried several methods but nothing worked for me.Please suggest me a method to do it.My php array works well with normal submit but with ajax it says

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\\wamp\\www\\submit_order.php on line 42

My HTML form code-

 <input disabled="disabled" class="input_text" onkeyup="JAVASCRIPT:check_row();" name="qty[]" type="text" id="qty_field1" size="6">

My current ajax send params-

var params="qty="+document.table_form.elements["qty[]"]";   

My PHP array fetch -

  foreach($_POST['qty'] as $value){

Thank you.


I am a bonehead--you are not using jQuery. Here is some coee which iterates the inputs in a form looking for elements named qty[] http://jsfiddle.net/JAAulde/WQjQM/6/


Original (jQuery) Answer Below

If I have 3 inputs named qty[] with values a , b , c


var params = $.param( $( '[name="qty\[\]"]' ) );

(demo: http://jsfiddle.net/JAAulde/WQjQM/1/ )


var params = $( '[name="qty\[\]"]' ).serialize();

(demo: http://jsfiddle.net/JAAulde/WQjQM/ )

give me:


This should be correct for you.

You may want to look at http://api.jquery.com/serialize/ as a solution of how to send off the form values. It should work with arrays (I think)

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