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Node.js - Can't post nested/escaped JSON to body using Fermata REST client

The problem may be with the actual client, but he's not responding on github, so I'll give this a shot!

I'm trying to post, in the body, nested JSON:


When I remove the columnvalue's json string, the POST works. Maybe there's something I'm missing regarding escaping? I've tried a few built in escape utilities to no avail.

var jsonString='the json string above here';

var sys = require('sys'),
      rest = require('fermata'), // https://github.com/andyet/fermata
         stack = require('long-stack-traces');

        var token = ''; // Username
        var accountId = ''; // Password

        var api = rest.api({
             url : 'http://url/v0.1/',
             user : token,
             password : accountId

        var postParams = {
             body: jsonString

        (api(postParams)).post(function (error, result) {
               if (error)


The API I'm posting to can't deserialize this.


Dual problems occuring at the same occurred led me to find an issue with the fermata library handling large JSON posts. The JSON above is just fine!

I think the real problem here is that you are trying to post data via a URL parameter instead of via the request body.

You are using Fermata like this:

path = fermata.api({url:"http://example.com/path");
data = {key1:"value1", key2:"value2"};

What path(data) represents is still a URL, with data showing up in the query part. So your code is posting to "http://example.com/path/endpoint?key1=value1&key2=value2" with an empty body.

Since your data is large, I'm not surprised if your web server would look at such a long URL and send back a 400 instead. Assuming your API can also handle JSON data in the POST body, a better way to send a large amount of data would be to use Fermata like this instead:

path = fermata.api({url:"http://example.com/path");
data = {key1:"value1", key2:"value2"};
path.post(data, callback);

This will post your data as a JSON string to "http://example.com/path" and you would be a lot less likely to run into data size problems.

Hope this helps! The "magic" of Fermata is that unless you pass a callback function, you are getting local URL representations, instead of calling HTTP functions on them.

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