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more efficient way .php

i am using this code, but i know that is not very efficient. There is another way? more efficient ?

  if ($val-> check($form) === true) {
        {$data['livre'] = $val-> validate_age($form);}

        if ($val->validate_age($form) === true) {
            {$data['livre'] = $val->insertData($db, $form, $id);}

            if ($val->insertData($db, $form, $id) === true) {
                {$data['livre'] = $val->insertLanguages($db, $form, $id);}

                if ($val->insertLanguages($db, $form, $id) === true) {
                    {$data['livre'] = $val->val($form);}

                    if ($val->val($form) === true) {
                        {$data['livre'] = $val->valexp($form);}

                        if ($val->valexp($form) === true ) {
                            {$data['livre'] = $val->insertWorker($db, $form, $id);}

                            if ($val->insertWorker($db, $form, $id) === true) {
                                {$data['livre'] = $val->univAndCourse($form);}


You could exit early.. I don't know exactly what's happening in your code when there's a failure, but if this would be in a function.. you could do instead of this:

if(condition1) {

  if (condition2) {

     return true;



return false;

you could do:

if (!condition1) {
  return false;

if (!condition2) {
  return false;
return true;

So you basically handle the 'else' case first..

Besides that.. this may also work:

if (condition1 && condition2 && condition3 && condition4) {
    return true;


if (
     condition1 && 
     condition2 && 
     condition3 && 
  ) {
    return true;
} else {
    return false;

In this very specific case you could be able to compress it into an expression using and chaining:

$val-> check($form)
    $data['livre'] = $val-> validate_age($form)
    $data['livre'] = $val->insertData($db, $form, $id)
    $data['livre'] = $val->insertLanguages($db, $form, $id)
    $data['livre'] = $val->val($form)
    $data['livre'] = $val->valexp($form)
    $data['livre'] = $val->insertWorker($db, $form, $id);

Which seems very appropriate since you really double assigments and if checks otherwise.

This works because and has a lower precendence than the = assigment operator. Your ===true checks are certianly redundant. And if you wanted you could repackage that whole condition chain back as if () predicate.

That's what exceptions are for:

try {
   $data['livre'] = $val->validate_age($form);
   $data['livre'] = $val->insertData($db, $form, $id);
   $data['livre'] = $val->insertLanguages($db, $form, $id);
   $data['livre'] = $val->val($form);
   $data['livre'] = $val->valexp($form);
   $data['livre'] = $val->insertWorker($db, $form, $id);
   $data['livre'] = $val->univAndCourse($form);
} catch (Exception $e) {
   // Do what ever necessary to process the interrupted logic.

Of course, this implies that methods of the validator class throw exceptions instead of returning booleans :

class Validator {

   function validate_age($form) {
      if (!is_numeric($form['age'])) throw new Exception('Invalid age.');

   // .. etc ..

It looks like all your function calls return a bool. This code should work. If any of the calls return false, $data['livre'] will be false.

$data['livre'] = $val->check($form) &&
                 $val->validate_age($form) &&
                 $val->insertData($db, $form, $id) && 
                 $val->insertLanguages($db, $form, $id) && 
                 $val->val($form) &&
                 $val->valexp($form) && 
                 $val->insertWorker($db, $form, $id) && 

Wrap it in a function, turn all checks to negative and return from function, if the result is negative. Additionally, you can use exception inside the $val methods, so you will interupt the execution whenever there is an error, without checking each operation.

You could check all your validation in one outer conditional, open a database transaction inside of that. Put all your inserts inside of a try and a transaction rollback inside of a catch.

something like this:

if ($val-> check($form) === true && $val->validate_age($form) === true && $val->val($form) === true && $val->valexp($form) === true) {
    //begin your transaction here.  Depending on your framework it could be different.
    mysql_query('start transaction');
    try {
        $val->insertData($db, $form, $id);
        $val->insertLanguages($db, $form, $id);
        $val->insertWorker($db, $form, $id);

        //... blah blah blah  more inserts here

        //commit your transaction here
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        //Roll back the transaction here

You just need to have your inserts throw an exception if they fail.

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