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ConfigParser Get Key on given Value

Using ConfigParser I can read value of key easily as shown in the example below-


[NODE] = node22 = node23 = node26

config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
print config.get("NODE", "")

Sometime it is required that I read "key" based on given value. Is there any built-in function to get KEY based on the given VALUE or any workaround for this ?

print config.FUNCTIONXYZ("NODE", "node22")

Thank you.

No, there is no direct way. Internally, ConfigParser reads the configuration file into a nested dictionary, and in each sections keys are mapped to values, not the other way around. Frankly, I'm not sure why you want this, but I suspect it's not a common request :)

Implementing your own is very easy, however:

# items in section 'NODE': key, value pairs
for key, value in config.items('NODE'):
  if value == WHAT_I_NEED:
    print key

If you need many such lookups on a large configuration, consider placing items into a dict first.

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